Saturday, May 04, 2019

Better in Hong Kong, why would anyone want to mainlandize?

Some stats which should make any Hong-Konger wonder why would they want to mainlandize. And that does not even into account that Beijing most likely fake the stats so that they look better for China than what they really are...
  • People live longer in Hong Kong
    85 years vs 78 years in Shenzhen, 82 years in Beijing, 83 years in Shanghai, and 76 years in China overall
  • Hong Kong has a much richer economy
    Its GDP is USD $46,194, USD $27,000 in Shenzhen, USD $21,188 in Beijing, USD $20,398 is Shanghai, China overall is USD $8,900 per capita
  • People are freer
    According to, Hong Kong is 'partly free', with a score of 59%, while China is 'not free', with a score of 11%
  • Health-care is better
  • Food is safer
  • Water quality is of higher quality
  • Construction standards are higher
    e.g. buildings don't fall apart after 5 years
  • Air is less polluted (locally. Most of the crap comes from the mainland)
  • Homicide rates are lower
    Homicide rate was 0.2 per 100,000 people in Hong Kong while it was 1.0 per 100,000 (5 times more)
    (and here as well, very probable that the CCP is cooking the books so, I didn't report the overall crime rate:
  • Rule-of-law
    Hong Kong is 16th out of 126 countries while China is 82nd.
  • Freedom-of-speech
    China; none. Hong Kong; not as good as pre-1997, but still much better than China
  • Freedom-of-the-press
    China; none. Hong Kong; not as good as pre-1997, but still much better than China
  • Hong Kong is less corrupted (although this is changing fast)76% clean score for Hong Kong, while China sits at 39% clean
  • Population is more educated
  • Economy is freer
  • Internet access is not restricted