Friday, September 24, 2021

Republican Review of Arizona Vote Fails to Show Stolen Election

 PHOENIX — After months of delays and blistering criticism, a review of the 2020 election in Arizona’s largest county, ordered up and financed by Republicans, has failed to produce any evidence that former President Donald J. Trump was cheated of victory, according to a draft version of the report.

In fact, the draft report from the company Cyber Ninjas found just the opposite: It tallied 99 additional votes for President Biden and 261 fewer votes for Mr. Trump in Maricopa County, the fast-growing region that includes Phoenix.

The full review is set to be released on Friday, but a draft version circulating through Arizona political circles was obtained by The New York Times from a Republican and a Democrat.”

Some will say that the results of the GOP driven Maricopa recount will finally put to rest the notion that the elections were stolen, and it will give the doubters their confidence back in the American electoral process.

This would only happen if the MAGA crowd cared about reality and had genuine concern about democracy. They do not. This is not what is going to happen. Trump is going to say that the recount showed that there have been discrepancies, and that it is what he wanted to be revealed all along.

He will leverage this to justify his current push for an audit in the 50 states.

His true intention is to sow doubt in people that are already too willing to believe the Big Lie.

The reality is that this recount was unnecessary and run by a group of incompetent fools. Whatever the results of this “audit” would be is of no consequence to anyone as the mere fact that there was a 3rd audit (a partisan one) was the product of ignorance and lies.

What surprised me is that the CyberNinjas decided to report what they found without tempering with the data. It places them in the category of the incompetent deluded rather than with the crowd of crooks led by their Orange overlard (pun intended)…