Thursday, April 30, 2020

No Third Person - Christine Loh's turncoat CCP cheerleader?

Loh dances around the main problem; it is not that Hong Kongers feel “non-Chinese” as much as they see what Xi Jinping has done. That’s the elephant in the room; a dictatorship with a much lower standard of living wants to take over political management of the S.A.R. 

This is extremely disingenuous; Hong Kongers are extremely proud and do not lack confidence. The facts are that the mainland has failed to show a compelling narrative. So, the CCP is bullying back Hong Kong into the fold of yet another Chinese city, which implies: corruption, pollution, low-level of sanitary/food safety, lower GDP per capita, terrible construction standards, less freedom, lower quality of healthcare, etc

The events of 2019-2020 have proven these statements by Loh to be naive at best...