Was reading some post by a random Trumptard who wrote "Fuck yeah!" after Trump announced that he was leveraging DWAC to create Trump Media & Technology Group with the goal of launching Trump's much announced social network (by Trump himself).
Always baffles me how the deplorables have little clue at how they are being used.
Let me tell you what are and what aren't Trump's goals and how Trumptards are going to help him.
1. Trump has zero intention to build a social network with plurality of views, he wants to build a propaganda machine.
2. That is, if he cares at all that it would work. As long as he makes money, Trump is likely to be fine with the whole enterprise going to the dumpster before there's even one line of code written
3. Point #2 seems to be confirmed with the way DWAC has gone public; they have zero revenue ($25k cash, -$740 revenue), no product, nothing, and raised $250 million. A meme stock similar to GameStore. That's actually how Seeking Alpha sees it: https://seekingalpha.com/.../4461371-digital-world...
You can bet that Trump was made a shareholder and will exit as soon as the window of opportunity to make money of the stock closes.
3. Does Trump hope/believe/will-it-to-become successful? Fuck Yeah (pun intended). But that's a side benefit.
4. What's the Trumptards role in this? Pump, pump, pump the stock as high as can be! (with zero intrinsic value)
Trump is an expert at transferring public & corporate wealth to himself. Many of his enterprises have gone bankrupt, including money printing-presses like casinos, but Trump always ends up reaping personal benefits.
And he always screws his partners, clients, employees, followers over along the way. Always.
This is no exception.