Sunday, March 26, 2017

More religious countries tend to be less innovative

"MORE religious countries tend to be less innovative, according to a paper published last month by America’s National Bureau of Economic Research. In “Forbidden Fruits: The Political Economy of Science, Religion, and Growth”, Roland Benabou of Princeton and Davide Ticche and Andrea Vindigni of the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca find a strong negative correlation between innovation, as measured by patents, and religiosity, measured by the share of a population that self-identifies as religious."

NBER Working Paper No. 21105Issued in April 2015

Forbidden Fruits: The Political Economy of Science, Religion, and Growth

"We analyze the joint dynamics of religious beliefs, scientific progress and coalitional politics along both religious and economic lines. History offers many examples of the recurring tensions between science and organized religion, but as part of the paper's motivating evidence we also uncover a new fact: in both international and cross-state U.S. data, there is a significant and robust negative relationship between religiosity and patents per capita. The political-economy model we develop has three main features: (i) the recurrent arrival of scientific discoveries that generate productivity gains but sometimes erode religious beliefs; (ii) a government, endogenously in power, that can allow such innovations to spread or instead censor them; (iii) a religious organization or sector that may invest in adapting the doctrine to new knowledge. Three long-term outcomes emerge. First, a "Secularization" or "Western-European" regime with declining religiosity, unimpeded science, a passive Church and high levels of taxes and transfers. Second, a "Theocratic" regime with knowledge stagnation, extreme religiosity with no modernization effort, and high public spending on religious public goods. In-between is a third, "American" regime that generally (not always) combines scientific progress and stable religiosity within a range where religious institutions engage in doctrinal adaptation. It features low overall taxes, together with fiscal advantages or societal laws benefiting religious citizens. Rising income inequality can, however, lead some of the rich to form a successful Religious-Right alliance with the religious poor and start blocking belief-eroding discoveries and ideas."

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Harmonizations in a globalized world...

Change can sometimes be risky. But fear of change, just because it is unknown and different, is just plain stupid.

Metric System

"The usage of the metric system varies around the world. According to the US Central Intelligence Agency's Factbook (2007), the International System of Units has been adopted as the official system of weights and measures by all nations in the world except for Myanmar (Burma), Liberia and the United States,[74] while the NIST has identified the United States as the only industrialised country where the metric system is not the predominant system of units.[75] However, reports published since 2007 hold this is no longer true of Myanmar or Liberia.[76] An Agence France-Presse report from 2010 stated that Sierra Leone had passed a law to replace the imperial system with the metric system thereby aligning its system of measurement with that used by its Mano River Union (MRU) neighbours Guinea and Liberia.[Note 6][77] Reports from Myanmar suggest that the country is also planning to adopt the metric system"

Right-side driving
The way to push the agenda for right-side driving (left-side steering wheel) would be help migrate a few key countries, thereby making left-side driving significantly more expensive. Which countries would these be?
While Japan produces a lot of cars, its citizen own few.
India, with 70 million vehicles, would be a meaningful target, as part of a larger infrastructure investment. It could lead to neighboring countries to adopt the trend.
South-African countries should also be targeted as part of an infrastructure investment.

Has been done successfully before:
"There are lessons from this, half a century on. One concerns revealed preferences, or how well people can imagine something routine becoming different. Swedes hugely opposed the idea of new driving habits, yet promptly accepted the changed reality with a shrug. A second lesson: other countries coped just as pragmatically. Iceland switched to the right in 1968, followed by Ghana and Nigeria in the early 1970s. Samoa went over to the left in 2009, aligning itself with nearby Australia"

Power plugs and sockets
It would seem that a dual-standard Type A&B for the Americas, and C,E,F, for the rest of the world, would make sense

Voltage and Frequency

Dual-standard 220-240V/50Hz and 100-127V/60HZ looks like a good plan

Emergency Phone Number

Why not do it progressively; each country keeps its own, and adds 999 (a single number for fire, police, etc). After 10 years, the local one is removed...

Daylight Saving Time
Just abolish DST. This is probably one of the simplest to implement.


Move away from scripts and unto alphabet.